If you want the ultimate success and freedom you need a world-class real estate team.
Trying to find one, or building on your own is going to cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not seven figures plus in time and energy loss. We have carved the road to scale higher and build the most powerful businesses in the world for over a decade now, whether it be solopreneurs, teams or brokerages, and we’re going to continue to do that. Which is why I’m going to give you the three tiers of growth we support in order to repeatedly build the most efficient, profitable and productive real estate teams in the world.
Have a Strategic Plan
You need to be a clear, confident, and super-charged leader, the person you were born to be! When you start your business off on the right foot (with strategy), you are bound to succeed from there. In order to succeed, you need to be focused and have a vision. You need to know where you want to be in the grand scheme of things. Relentless to Rise is our pursuit to super-charge those we work with into the most powerful leaders of tomorrow. This is the first step. After all, who will be building, directing, and guiding your growth? You will! Performance is a state of mind. Without this mindset, you are trying to drive a journey without the fuel you need. This will encourage individual self leadership in life & performance. You can not lead without vision. You can manage day to day, but without a vision of the future, you are no more proactive in building your future than someone trying to get to a new destination but walking the same path everyday. Leading with a vision in mind will help you become the leader your future needs. Making decisions based on today is taking action, but making decisions based on where you are going, based on where you are building yourself to be, that is leadership.
Leaders do not wait to see the future. They create it.
Don’t Recreate the Wheel
As Master Implementers, The Top 1 % Agents Model The Best, and Forget The Rest. They do not recreate the wheel, instead they purchase the tried, tested and true plans in order to use their time wisely and organize their businesses. By doing so, they understand the power and importance behind proven intellectual property and are also able to test for scalability to improve themselves and their businesses. Top 1% is allowing you to leverage and expand, in order to earn more and do more, to have time with your family or personal life. You need to get organized at this level. Both your client process and tasks need to be crystal clear to hire and leverage help profitably. The old adage that it takes 6 months for a good hire to make you money, and 2 days for a bad hire to start costing you money, is only partly true. Using proven hiring systems, and expert training for your hire and database sets you on the path to make more right away. Whereas trying to figure out hiring, systems, and training all at once takes the best candidate and makes them perform poorly. This costs you time, money, and talent. When you model systems that are proven to work, you are giving yourself a foundation for your business to be built to win. You are also creating the foundation to Increase your sales, and the sales of others in the future, if you choose to grow to tier 3 below.
Using strategic systems to scale will increase free time & efficiency and give you efficient, productive, & profitable growth.
Your Time is Money
It’s crucial for you to introduce leverage into your business to create a positive team performance & strategy. This ensures that your team is built-to-win and is powered-up by both people & performance. You can start your leverage journey with the most important step: The KBCC GENIUS Method. This is where you will find that extra money, energy and time you’ve been searching for. It allows you to bring your natural gifts to the world, while learning to leverage your time, and only focus on the tasks that make you happy.
The GENIUS Method is comprised of the following elements:
G = Genius.
E = Excellent.
N = Neutral.
I = Involving Others.
U = Underachieving.
S = Stop.
In order to find out your Genius and Excellent areas, keep track of all the regular activities you do in a week. Anything that comes after the “Excellent” category should be leveraged off of your plate to someone else through delegating. I dive into this topic more in my book The Top 1% Life, which you can get a free ebook copy of here.
Core Systems Needed to Expand Smoothly
Industry Icons represent the best in our business. They are visionaries, entrepreneurs, and business owners. They are here to support the collective collaborations that teams require to thrive. Without core systems you will not get a business you want. You may grow, but that growth will feel chaotic, disorganized, and exhausting.
Here are the core systems we have identified as vital in helping thousands of teams to build successfully to Top 1% producers:
1. Ultimate Expansion Model
2. Vision & Values
3. Client Process
4. GENIUS Method
5. Hiring System
6. Team Compensation System
7. Economic Model
8. Performance Matrix
9. Recruitment System
10. On-Boarding
11. Tracking & Accountability
12. On-going Coaching & Training
13. Marketing Matrix
14. Priority Focus Time Efficiency
All of these systems will give you and your business the momentum you need to grow and thrive. Right now you have an opportunity to grow professionally and personally. We know how important it is to build a team, and we know the time and freedom you’ll have once you have systems implemented. In order to build the most efficient, profitable and productive real estate team, you need to be committed to you and your business’ growth.
Are you ready to take that next step?